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Monthly Archives: July 2012

lecture created and given by Dr. Ji S., posted by Dave

TOPIC: Male and Female Attraction

FILM“Dirty Dancing” (1987)

DATE: original lecture given on July 22nd, 2012

Dr. Ji’s amazing fast-talking valley girl delivery is impossible to capture in a blog but the following are the power point slides of the lecture.  the film, seminal viewing in the “chick-flick” cannon, was just an excuse to give the lecture.

*youtube clip from “A Beautiful Mind” that Dr. Ji references in her lecture

**click on the first thumbnail image below to get the enlarged slide show of the lecture.

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The whole world has anticipated this movie, and if you’re a nerd like me, you’ve been analyzing every trailer and watching every interview for a tantalizing morsel of what’s to come.  Because of that obsession, I had expectations and predictions going into the movie. This entry isn’t about how much of a detective I am; however, it is about the expertise of Christopher Nolan and how a skillful story teller can turn material that was originally intended as adolescent escapism into an artful meditation on beginnings and endings and life and death.

Over the course of TDK trilogy, Nolan has made us care about Batman and Gotham City. Nolan’s world has always been one of consequences, and in this movie, it is finally time to pay. As the film opens, we see Bruce physically debilitated by his crimefighting activities.  The deaths of Rachel Dawes and Harvey Dent still echo through Gotham as well. Michael Caine’s Alfred gives a particularly emotional performance here, reminding us that death is a real force in this universe.

That real force comes in the form of Bane. The scenes with Bane show him to be a cunning and brutal terrorist. He and Bruce are both methodical and deliberate, but Bane is also ruthless and has a different definition of what an innocent person is.  The fight scenes between the two of them are especially visceral, fans of the “Knightfall” storyline won’t be disappointed and younger viewers might be a little disturbed.  Since Nolan has made us care about the billionaire behind the bat, we feel every punch and wonder again just how close Bruce will come to death this time.

Death is everywhere in this film.  It pervades the lives of the supporting characters, new and old.  John Blake is an orphan, Selina Kyle’s cat burglar wants to end an old life and start a new one, Commissioner Gordon grapples with how to live with a bullet in your chest and a lie in your heart, and Alfred grapples with getting older and broken promises from long ago.  Even more so, Nolan presents Gotham City on the verge of apocalypse. His grand cityscapes and massive amounts of extras portraying Gotham citizens show the viewers how a city crumbles from the macro to the microlevel.

I don’t like to use the word “epic” a lot, but this is an epic film.  Nolan puts everything into his last Batman. In a movie era that thrives on sequels and maintaining the status quo for its heroes, Nolan isn’t afraid to buck the trend.  Credit should go to him and the WB execs who were brave enough to give Bruce Wayne what he deserves: a beginning, a middle, and an end.

–The Prof.


Dirty Dancing, along with the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, teaches us that you can solve many of life’s problems through the power of dance, and by asking daddy for some money to go do something you can’t tell him about just trust me.


any story worth telling has an evil that is seductive or else there is nothing extraordinary about still choosing what is good…and “the dark knight rises” is certainly no exception. although it doesn’t offer a villain as original and unpredictable as the second film, it delivers with a relevant critique of humanity (eerily so in light of recent events) on an epic scale that confronts much of the audience, to bring the saga full circle (not to mention solid performances from a great supporting cast, with joseph gordon-levitt on the rise).

ultimately what makes the nolan brothers vision of the batman trilogy so compelling is that the storytelling is always rooted in persistent human questions: how do you deal with fear and death? what is at the core of human nature? how does one respond in the face of real injustice?

dave’s rating: 8/10

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by a Smattering of LaaF Contributors (& various review aggregators) – Last updated: 7/29/12

this post, nay this blog, was inspired by a terrible blog post that tried to rank the “100 greatest comic book films of all time”.  any list that boasted such a title then puts “catwoman” and “superman 4: the quest for peace” in the ranks invalidated itself.  we thought we could do better.  here are our results of what we feel are the best comic book movies / films.

1) most of the films listed are live action because there are simply too many films if you include animated films, as well as the fact that animated films usually don’t take as much interpretative work since comics are also drawn.  however we did include animated films of particular note (esp. if they do interesting/original interpretations of the comic).

2) we’ve included multiple sources for scores in addition to the LaaF contributors ratings (including three of the most well-know film review aggregators: IMDB, Metacritc, and Rotten Tomatoes) to avoid as much as possible one person’s particular taste to skew the ranking too much.

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brooke fraser

posted by Dave (last updated 4/18/19)

I am always looking for music by christians that isn’t hokey.  I like music.  I like Jesus.  But I don’t like hokey-ness.  unfortunately, music by christians too often sounds that way.

i say “music by christians” not “christian music” because the latter is explicitly about christian themes and the former don’t always identify themselves as the latter.  i say “christian” by what they have professed to believe in one form or another, not necessarily how they practice their faith which is a whole other issue.  i say “hokey” because it’s a distasteful quality in music to me that is hard to describe in other words…it just sounds a little too jolly and fake.

i know musical tastes vary very much so i’ve tried my best to compile artists of multiple genres that i know and limit what i cut out to hokey stuff.

Here are single tracks from these artists listed above

please feel free to recommend any artists that you’ve found that fit under those categories!

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youtube video posted by Miles C. / blog post posted by Dave K.

just to give you a little flavor of LaaF…this is a LaaF lecture (#36 out of 42 as of this post) given by Matt C. on May 29, 2011.  NOTE: the lecture actually starts at 5:20.

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